Slipenkyj MS, Hutchison J, Ansari D, Lyons IM* & Bugden S* (2024). Ordinal processing differences between children with persistent dyscalculia and typically performing children. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale. Advance online publication. * Co-senior authors. PDF

Delage V, Daker RJ, Trudel G, Lyons IM & Maloney EA (2024). It Is a “Small World”: Relations Between Performance on Five Spatial Tasks and Five Mathematical Tasks in Undergraduate Students. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale. Advance online publication. PDF

Fioriti CM, Martell RN, Daker RJ, Malone EP, Sokolowski HM, Green AE, Levine SC, Maloney EA, Ramirez G & Lyons IM (2024). Examining the interplay between the cognitive and emotional aspects of gender differences in spatial processing. Journal of Intelligence, 12(3):30. PDF

Johnson AD, Partika A, Martin A, Lyons IM, Castle S & Phillips DA (2024). Public preschool predicts stronger third-grade academic skills. AERA Open, 10(1):1-16 PDF


Daker RJ, Viskontas IV, Porter GF, Colaizzi  GA, Lyons IM & Green AE (2023). Investigating links between creative anxiety, creative performance, and state-level anxiety and effort during creative thinking. Scientific Reports, 13(1):17095 PDF

Skagenholt M, Lyons IM, Skagerlund K & Traff U (2023). Connectome based predictive modeling indicates dissociable neurocognitive mechanisms for numerical order and magnitude processing in children. Neuropsychologia, 184:108563. PDF

Daker RJ, Gattas SU, Necka EA, Green AE, Lyons IM (2023). Does Anxiety Explain Why Math-Anxious People Underperform in Math? npj Sci. Learn, 8(6)  PDF

Daker RJ, Slipenkyj MS, Green AE & Lyons IM (2023). Evidence for avoidance tendencies linked to anxiety about specific types of thinking. Scientific Reports, 13(1):3294. PDF

Li, T, Quintero, M, Galvan, M, Shanafelt, S, Hasty, LM, Spangler, DP, Lyons, IM, Mazzocco, MM, Brockmole, JR, Hart, SA, & Wang, Z (2023). The mediating role of attention in the association between math anxiety and math performance: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Educational Psychology. 115(2):229. PDF


Hutchison JE, Ansari D, Zheng S, De Jesus S & Lyons IM (2022). Extending ideas of numerical order beyond the count-list from kindergarten to first grade. Cognition, 223:105019. PDF

Daker RJ, Delage V, Maloney EA & Lyons IM (2022). Testing the specificity of links between anxiety and performance within mathematics and spatial reasoning. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1512(1):174-91. PDF


Daker RJ, Gattas SU, Sokolowski HM, Green AE & Lyons IM (2021). First-year students’ math anxiety predicts STEM avoidance and underperformance throughout university, independently of math ability. NPJ: Science of Learning, 6(1):17. PDF


Ren Z*, Daker RJ*, Shi L*, Sun J, Beaty RE, Wu X, Chen Q, Lyons IM, Green AE^ & Qiu J^ (2020) Connectome-Based Predictive Modeling of Creativity Anxiety. NeuroImage. * Co-first authors. ^ Co-senior authors. PDF

Daker RJ, Cortes RA, Lyons IM* & Green AE* (2020). Creativity Anxiety: Evidence for Anxiety Specific to Creative Thinking from STEM to the Arts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(1):43-57. *Co-senior authors. PDF  

Hutchison JE, Ansari D, Zheng S, De Jesus S & Lyons IM (2020). The relation between subitizable symbolic and non-symbolic number processing over the kindergarten school year. Developmental Science. 23(2):e12884. PDF


Sokolowski HM, Hawes Z & Lyons IM (2019). What explains sex differences in math anxiety? A closer look at the role of spatial processing. Cognition, 182:193-212. PDF

Tiberghien K, De Smedt B, Fias W & Lyons IM (2019). Distinguishing between Cognitive Explanations of the Problem Size Effect in Mental Arithmetic via Representational Similarity Analysis of fMRI Data. Neuropsychologia, 132:107120. PDF

Tiberghien K, Sahan MI, De Smedt B,  Fias W & Lyons IM (2019). Disentangling neural sources of problem-size and interference effects in multiplication. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(3):453-67. PDF


Daker RJ & Lyons IM (2018). Numerical and Non-numerical Predictors of First Graders’ Number-Line Estimation Ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:2336. PDF

Hutchison JE, Lyons IM & Ansari D (2018). More Similar than Different: Gender Differences in Children’s Basic Numerical Skills are the Exception not the Rule. Child Development, 90(1):e66-e79 PDF

Lyons IM & Beilock SL (2018). Characterizing the Neural Coding of Symbolic Quantities. NeuroImage, 178:503-18. PDF

Lyons IM, Bugden S, Zheng S, De Jesus S & Ansari D (2018). Symbolic Number Skills Predict Growth in Nonsymbolic Number Skills in Kindergarteners. Developmental Psychology, 54(3):440-57. PDF

Lyons IM*, Ramirez G*, Maloney EA, Rendina DN, Levine SC & Beilock SL (2018). Spatial Anxiety: A novel questionnaire with subscales for measuring three aspects of spatial anxiety. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 4(3):526-53. *Co-first authors. PDF.

Necka EA, Faig KE, Van Hedger K, Lyons IM, Dimitroff SJ, Luhmann M, Puts DA & Norman GJ (2018). Women's attention to and memory for fertile- and non-fertile phase women across the menstrual cycle. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 4(3), 283-305. PDF


Sasanguie D, Lyons IM, De Smedt B & Reynvoet B (2017). Unpacking symbolic number comparison and its relation with arithmetic in adults. Cognition, 165:26-38.  PDF

Vogel SE, Haigh T, Sommerauer G, Spindler M, Brunner C, Lyons IM & Grabner RH (2017). Processing the order of symbolic numbers: a reliable and unique predictor of arithmetic fluency. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3(2), 288-308. PDF


Ansari D & Lyons IM (2016). Cognitive Neuroscience and Mathematics Learning: How far have we come? Where do we need to go? ZDM Mathematics Education, 48(3): 379-383. PDF

Lyons IM, Vogel S & Ansari D (2016). On the Ordinality of Numbers: A review of neural and behavioral studies. Progress in Brain Research, 227:187-221. PDF


Lyons IM & Ansari D (2015). Foundations of children's numerical and mathematical skills: The roles of symbolic and nonsymbolic representations of numerical magnitude. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 48:93-116. PDF

Wang Z, Lukowski SL, Hart SA, Lyons IM, Thompson LA, Kovas Y, Mazzocco MM, Plomin R & Petrill SA (2015). Is Math Anxiety Always Bad for Math Learning? The Role of Math Motivation. Psychological Science, 26(12):1863-76. PDF

Lyons IM (2015). Numbers and Number Sense. In: Wright JD, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 17(2): 46-56. Oxford: Elsevier. PDF

Lyons IM & Ansari D (2015). Numerical Order Processing in Children: From reversing the distance-effect to predicting arithmetic. Mind, Brain and Education, 9(4):207-21. PDF

Lyons IM, Nuerk HC & Ansari D (2015). Rethinking the Implications of Numerical Ratio Effects for Understanding the Development of Representational Precision and Numerical Processing across Formats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(5): 1021-35. PDF

Necka EA, Sokolowski HM & Lyons IM (2015). The role of self-math overlap in understanding math anxiety and the relation between math anxiety and math performance. 6:1543 PDF

Lyons IM, Ansari D & Beilock SL (2015). Qualitatively different coding of symbolic and nonsymbolic numbers in the human brain. Human Brain Mapping, 36(2): 475-88. PDF


Lyons IM, Price GR, Vaessen A, Blomert L & Ansari D (2014). Numerical Predictors of Arithmetic Success in Grades 1-6. Developmental Science, 17(5):714-26. PDF

Lyons IM, Huttenlocher J & Ratliff KR (2014). The influence of cue-reliability and cue-representation on spatial reorienting in young children. Journal of Cognition and Development, 15(3):402-13. PDF

Wang Z, Hart S, Kovas Y, Lukowski S, Soden B, Thompson L, Plomin R, McLoughlin G, Lyons IM & Petrill S (2014). Who’s Afraid of Math? Two Sources of Genetic Variance for Mathematical Anxiety. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(9):1056-64. PDF


Lyons IM & Beilock SL (2013). Ordinality and the Nature of Symbolic Numbers. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(43):17052-61. PDF


Lyons IM & Beilock SL (2012). Mathematics Anxiety: Separating the math from the anxiety. Cerebral Cortex, 22(9):2102-10. PDF

Lyons IM, Ansari D & Beilock SL (2012). Symbolic Estrangement: Evidence against a strong association between numerical symbols and the quantities they represent. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(4):635-41. PDF

Lyons IM & Beilock SL (2012). When Math Hurts: Math anxiety predicts pain network activation in anticipation of doing math. PLoS: ONE, 7(10):e48076. PDF


Lyons IM & Beilock SL (2011). Numerical ordering ability mediates the relation between number-sense and arithmetic competence. Cognition, 121(2):256-61. PDF


Lyons IM, Mattarella-Micke A, Cieslak M, Nusbaum HC, Small SL & Beilock SL (2010). The role of personal experience in the neural processing of action-related language. Brain & Language, 112(3):214-22. PDF


Lyons IM & Beilock SL (2009). Beyond Quantity: Individual Differences in Working Memory and the Ordinal Understanding of Numerical Symbols. Cognition, 113(2):189-204. PDF

Lyons IM & Ansari D (2009). The Cerebral Basis of Mapping Nonsymbolic Numerical Quantities onto Abstract Symbols: An fMRI training study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(9):1720-35. PDF


Beilock SL & Lyons IM (2008). Expertise and the mental simulation of action. In: Markman KD, Klein WMP, Suhr JA (Eds.), The Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation, Psychology Press. PDF

Beilock SL, Lyons IM, Mattarella-Micke A, Nusbaum HC & Small SL (2008). Sports experience changes the neural processing of action language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(36):13269-73. PDF


Ansari D*, Lyons IM*, van Eimeren L & Xu F (2007). Linking visual attention and number processing in the brain: The role of the temporoparietal junction in small and large number processing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(11):1845-53. PDF